Thursday, January 22, 2009

...the two smaller ones...


  1. You know what, seeing them side by side, they look a lot alike! What a couple of cuties. Harry's got a little twinkle in his eye... he's not a handful is he?

  2. Harry and Sophie together would be something like thunder and lightning. We could call Harry "Flash" and Sophie "Boom". They'd be notorious.

  3. Brandon, I completely agree with you, of course. But in about 6 months, you're gonna meet the most beautiful kiddo you've ever seen!

  4. Thanks for the kind words "So It Goes". Who exactly are you? :D

  5. Oh, sorry I missed that one Brandon. It's Miriam. I usually sign my name at the end of posts but I was apparently very tired when I posted that! (Kids will do that to you...)

    Miriam (and the McCallum collective)
